Communicate 2024: New Connections for Nature

In November, our Design and Publications Manager, Helen Walsh, attended the 20th Communicate conference organised by the Natural History Consortium. This annual gathering allows delegates to discuss, showcase and further communications in the science, conservation and ecology sectors, sharing knowledge and growing networks. Helen joined online over three days, looking at issues like effective messaging, motivators for change, and diversity and inclusion. 

Hibernating wildlife: the ‘Winter Whereabouts’ of Bats and Bees!

As the nights draw in and the weather turns chilly, we all feel like cosying up and it’s not much different for our wildlife! With limited access to food sources over the colder months, the UK’s wild animals have adapted a range of survival strategies to get them through winter. In her latest blog, our Terrestrial Ecologist, Kristina Wood, looks at the winter whereabouts of bats and bees, and how we can help them during this time.

Biodiversity loss: more than just an environmental crisis

In the midst of global climate and biodiversity crises, our world leaders came together last month. The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity summit (COP16) took place from 21/10-2/11 in Cali, Columbia. Although there were some small wins, many were dismayed by the lack of progress. No doubt there is good work happening in many countries to halt climate change and biodiversity loss, but is it enough to turn the tide? In her latest blog, our Senior Marine Ecologist, Dr Lissa Batey, examines the outcomes of COP16.