What we do
Terrestrial, coastal and marine ecology services
Wildlife and site surveys and assessments for a range of needs
Stakeholder engagement, site and project management, and planning advice
Made up of a team of two terrestrial ecologists and two marine ecologists, NatureBureau's ecology department provides services including the management and monitoring of sites, habitats, ecosystems and species. Skills delivered by the team range from habitat surveys, fieldwork design and implementation, ecological mapping, and data management, to the organisation and running of workshops, seminars and online events. Within the terrestrial team is expertise in in both ornithology and bats, whilst the marine team expertise covers marine mammals and cephalopods.
Bat surveys
It's not uncommon for Planning Authorities to require bat surveys for planning applications, starting with a Preliminary Roost Assessment (PRA). We have an in-house bat specialist who can advise on what bat work is needed for your development and will carryout your PRA quickly. Using a team of local bat surveyors, we can also undertake any emergence survey works that may be needed, and get you the detailed report required by the Planning Authority. You can contact Kristina for a chat about your bat needs at