Paul Goriup
Paul Goriup is NatureBureau’s Managing Director and Head of Ecology. He holds a Joint Honours BSc in Botany and Zoology from Reading University and an MSc in Conservation Science from University College London. In addition, Paul is a Chartered Ecologist and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). Paul specialises in ornithology and protected area management and has considerable career experience spanning over 40 years of working worldwide on biodiversity issues, including much of Europe, North and East Africa, Central and Southern Asia, and the Middle East. From 1982-1986, Paul worked at the International Council for Bird Preservation (now BirdLife International) as Director of Conservation Programme, where he managed over 300 projects around the world. In 1990, Paul formed NatureBureau and in recent years he has served as a key expert and/or team leader for many internationally funded projects in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Georgia and Turkey. He is an invited member of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas as well as the IUCN Species Survival Commission, a Trustee of the Great Bustard Group that is reintroducing this iconic bird to the Salisbury Plain, a member of the scientific advisory panel of the Knepp Rewilding project and a member of the CIEEM Strategy Panel.