51 Items
The Nature of Somerset's Coast
The Nature of Somerset's Coast

This book describes the rich diversity of wildlife found along the Somerset coast, with chapters on seaweeds and marine life, flowering plants, mosses and liverworts, lichens and fungi, insects, spiders and other invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, birds and mammals, as well as chapters on habitats, geology and fossils, and its history.

Pollinators in Crisis
Pollinators in Crisis

This book is about flowers, their pollinators and the pollination crisis. The book recommends over 100 flowers that are good for pollinators

Butterflies of Cornwall

The book describes Cornwall's 37 resident and regular migrant butterflies plus the best places to see butterflies in Cornwall. Butterflies of the Isles of Scilly are also mentioned. 

European Bryaceae - a guide to the species of the moss family Bryaceae in Western & Central Europe and Macaronesia

The Bryaceae includes 69 species occurring in W & C Europe and N Macaronesian islands. This comprehensive new Guide is based on research carried out over 22 years in the field and in herbaria. It is the first detailed floristic work on the family to adopt the current taxonomy derived from DNA sequence data.

A Guide to Finding WOODLAND FUNGI in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
A Guide to Finding WOODLAND FUNGI in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Describes over 230 species woodland fungi found in Bucks, Berks & Oxon. It features those mostly to be found in the area plus some that are distinctive but uncommon.

A Guide to Finding GRASSLAND FUNGI in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire

Describes over 100 species of grassland and heathland fungi found in Berks, Bucks & Oxon. The brightly coloured waxcaps and other grassland specialists such as spindles, pinkgills and earthtongues are featured.

The Bumblebee Book
The Bumblebee Book

The Bumblebee Book offers an easy introduction for those new to bumblebees and also provides the more experienced naturalist with a wealth of information about their fascinating lives.

Moths of the West Midlands
Moths of the West Midlands

This is the first-ever book on the moths of the West Midlands covering all of the macro moths in the region (over 600 species) and many of the micro-moths regularly recorded. 

A Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies & Damselflies of Britain & Ireland
A Beginner's Guide to Dragonflies & Damselflies of Britain & Ireland

 This book helps you take your first steps with the dragonflies and damselflies of Britain and Ireland and enables you to confidently identify most of the species that you initially encounter. 


The Great Fen
The Great Fen

Across the ages, humans have been remodelling ‘natural’ landscapes. The wild has been tamed and Nature squeezed into ever-smaller spaces. 'The Great Fen – A Journey Through Time' explores how the Cambridgeshire fenland has evolved through population growth, war, drainage and cultivation to the landscape of today.

Atlas of Britain & Ireland's Larger Moths
Atlas of Britain & Ireland's Larger Moths

Over 25 million moth records from Butterfly Conservation's National Moth Recording Scheme and Moths Ireland have been combined to produce this landmark publication – the first-ever atlas of all macro-moths in Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

A Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland new and revised edition
A Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland new and revised edition

New and expanded edition now has 540 pages covering over 2300 species. Updated maps, over 2900 colour photos, incl. beetles, flies, ants, bees & wasps.

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