Athena Allen
Athena Allen holds an MSc in Marine Biology from Bangor University and a BSc (Hons) in Marine Biology from Newcastle University. During her time at NatureBureau, Athena has worked on a number of marine conservation projects involving European nature legislation such as the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), supporting the Biogeographical Process for Marine Regions and mapping marine habitats under Natura 2000 in Bulgaria. She has also supported shark conservation projects in Europe and beyond, including a project run by the German government to improve synergies between Regional Fisheries Management Bodies (RFMOs) and CITES, and a project under the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme to implement CITES Non-Detriment Findings in Vanuatu.Athena also undertakes research into the ecology of cephalopod species. Current research papers to which Athena is contributing cover topics such as the reproductive ecology of Loligo squids in the Mediterranean, best practice examples of sustainable octopus fisheries across the globe, and the impact of warming waters on common cuttlefish reproduction and mortality in the UK. Athena is the Secretary for the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) committee for the Marine and Coastal Special Interest Group and the Convenor for the Early Careers Special Interest Group, allowing her to play a role in running webinars, organising in person networking events, and providing a range of resources on topics relevant to each Special Interest Group.
Athena has also recently been shortlisted as a nominee for the Bob Earl Early Careers Award which recognises achievements and potential in those in their early marine careers.
When not at work Athena can be found pitch side at the local rugby club or spending time rock pooling and exploring at the coast.